Sun, 21 Jan 2007

Should the Police keep your DNA forever?

Since January 2006, you can be arrested for any offence no matter how trivial (thanks to Section 110 of SOCPA). When that happens, the Police officers will bring you to a station where they will take your fingerprints, palm prints and two DNA samples. The DNA sample and the derived profile (stored in the NDNAD) will be kept for eternity.

The Nuffield Council on Bioethics is conducting a consultation on the ethical issues in the forensic use of bioinformation, such as DNA sampling by the Police. This is a way you can express your concerns. I have just finished a first draft of my answers. The website allows you to revise your answers until the deadline of 30th January 2007.

Spend the time to make your opinion and concerns known. Respond to the consultation. Here's the response I submitted.

On this blog:
On Innocent in London: Further links:
UPDATE 2007-01-14: Added link to Helen Wallace's slides and to another article.
UPDATE 2007-01-21: Added link to my response to the consultation.

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