Wed, 16 Jun 2010

Public meeting on the National DNA Database and the use of DNA in policing

The Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) is having an open public meeting on the National DNA Database (NDNAD) and the use of DNA in policing on 2010-07-01. Organiser Victoria Borwick, Chair of the Civil Liberties Panel, wrote: 'We would particularly welcome firsthand accounts of those who have had their DNA taken by police and have requested that their DNA be removed from the database. In order to cover the range of topics and avoid repetition we shall be grouping the morning into six broad areas of discussion.' Here is a list of the seven areas of discussion:

For more information and to register to participate check out the full agenda on the MPA website. Registration closes on 2010-06-21. See you at City Hall in July!

Update Webcast of the public meeting.

Update You can share your view with the MPA about the use of DNA in policing by completing and submitting this questionnaire by 2010-08-31.

First published on 2010-06-16; last updated on 2010-07-20.

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