Sun, 16 Jul 2006

One Year On - Is Justice Possible?

On Saturday 22nd, I plan to attend the event One Year On - Is Justice Possible? to mark the first anniversary of the fatal shooting of Jean-Charles de Menezes.

Here are the details and programme:

One Year On - Is Justice Possible?
Saturday 22 July
2.30pm - 5pm Friends Meeting House,
173-177 Euston Rd, London NW1 2BJ

Chair: Asad Rehman (Newham Monitoring Project)
Speakers include Patricia da Silva Armani & Alex Pereira (cousins of Jean Charles de Menezes), Mohammed Abdul Kahar & Abul Koyair (Kalam Family - Forest Gate), Inayat Dhogra (Dhogra Family - Forest Gate), Gareth Peirce (leading civil liberties lawyer), Bianca Jagger (international human rights activist), Lord Steyn (Chair of Justice - invited)

Six days later will the first anniversay of my arrest. I feel so lucky, the Police didn't use violence or firearms against me.

Update: see the announcement by the de Menezes family on justice4jean. The family will be at Stockwell station at 10am.

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